Truth (poem)

published: 2018-09-25 Micromegas

I would burn down bridges just to light your way,
would break your chains just to make you stay,
peaceful waters, hurtful truths,
the fight is what keeps us alive,
forsaken, drowning, beaten and blessed,
anger overcomes us while we try our best,
withstand, hold on, or be forever lost,
the distant sound of your closed lips keeps me wondering,
your smile enlightens the world around you,
the softness of your soul is not fit for this world,
hungry, broken, hopeful and unfullfilled,
never mind I keep on wandering,
all have those who lost it all,
blessed are those who never had the choice,
the books are burned, the papers lost,
scream! overcome!
Empty words, shallow helpers,
kindness a scarcity….

I’ll make the water solid, just so you can walk swiftly to your dreams,
I’ll make the sun shine and the water drop, for you to grab tightly the rainbow;
Withstand! Enjoy pleasures!
I’ll place my arms around your bitter, sweet soul,
See! Love exists!

Love is a mirage, love is never true,
what is true will never be unveiled,
unsheath your sword and do not fight,
there is nothing worth fighting for…
I’ll fight for you;
I’ll drown myself to make you breathe,
I’ll make God disappear, so you believe,
I’ll hate the world so you can love,
embed myself in stone so you can fly off,
I will bow my head so you can stand above…

Don’t believe me, go, be on your way!
Hear my screams, begging you to stay,
I’ll fight your wars so you can live in peace,
I’ll beg for no one and nothing; stay…please…

Think freely! Nothing is free! Not the body, nor the soul and not your thoughts,
chains forged so strongly no one can break them,
I’ll break your chains with a sledgehammer, I’ll kill you in the process if I must,
place it in me, your heart, your trust,
Out of my mouth you will only hear the unprejudiced truth,
I’m a liar, a wanderer, a fraud; you are my muse,
you are my ears, my heart, my voice, my words,
with you I feel no pain,
My love for you… it hurts…

Come closer, come near, be forever mine,
Run! Run! Run! Nothing is forever!
Run as far away as you can,
become one with the world,
the world is nothing but dust,
the world is everything; hate, love, lust;
all the pleasures cannot make life worthy to be lived,
pleasures are all we have to exist;

Fear truth, it is not here!
Here you’ll find no comfort, no happiness!
I’ll make you happy, I promise, I’ll give you joy,
I’ll go with you step by step, I’ll walk with you untill the very end,
A place where you will find no one but yourself!
Tread lightly, the abyss is found close to dreams,
don’t fall…. jump…..

I’ll cut off my wings, I’ll break off my horns,
demons and angels I’ll fight them equally…. only one opponent….
Beelzebub you great man! First revolutionary, where did you go?
Fight the imperatives, bow down to your knees,
You shall build here no more,
Don’t trust the books,
The phoenix has to burn before it can rise,
tell me, can we recognize ourselves in the mirror?

Know thyself, we can never find out who we are,
we are not!
Wisdom a virtue, I know I know nothing,
Nothingness is everything, everything is nothingness;
Loose the riches, with gold in your pockets you will never make it till the end,
trust me! I have been there and I did not come back….
I’m here now! I’ll never leave your side,
I’m neither dead nor am I alive,
I’m two sides of one coin, I’m neither head nor am I tails,
Do not fight me I’m too powerful,
I’m weak, I have no strength,
Question me but know I’m the truth!

Hear me sing, hear me roar,
see me build, see me create
I tear everything to the ground, I reciprocate,
let me love and hate you in equal doses,
we know, love and hate are not to be balanced….

truth rests inside of the prophets; the prophets lied,
martyrdom is the ultimate devotion,
devote yourself to nothing, there is no greater cause,
find your meaning in a meaningless world,
ride on your wild horse next to the great four,
cut open your veins and paint everything in dark red,
make it a beautiful picture;
Live, Love, Rest!
Don’t choose suicide, it’s the greatest sin,
Know, that no one exists to judge you, not He, not She, nor Him,
Be yourself!
Or are you someone else?
You cannot win if you have never lost,
Cannot find yourself if you are not lost,
When you are yourself tell me, because I am not!
I am everything! I am stone, earth, wind, water, fire and rust.

I need you as you need me
There is no need for us to be,
Look for the answers, you cannot find them, nowhere!
Know what you want,
it’s best to want nothing at all,
your head is heavy, your vision is small,
fantasize, imagine, dream, but don’t take advice,
Let me tell you! This dream is our life!
Now, Walk beside me, never let go of my hand!
I’m here for you until the very end!