Evol (poem)

published: 2018-09-25 Micromegas

Sometimes, when my soul is craving for you, I think of the rain,
how it pelts down on that metal rooftop,
silent whispers, the thunder makes your memory vibrate inside of my chest,
your voice and your breath so far, yet I can hear it close, I can hear it next to me,
in my thoughts I’m holding you close again, yet you seem to slip away in my dreams,
so I hold you tight,
a home created in a heart,
a home which has already been there from the start,
love even before I knew you, it was always there,
love, a strange chemical,
all is fading,
the soft sound of the mild waves so distant in my memory, the shimmer in your deepest brown eyes,
I’m falling unable to move look at me again….
All is endless, I wish we could break the rules, Rules are not for us to choose,
but will we perish still
I climbed so high, up the mountain, up the hill, the fall will be hard
I want to stop climbing, I can’t you driving me up, devil or angel, I will find out at last, Please
Be kind with my heart,
Never did I give away so easily what was mine, please tread lightly on my dreams,
they are easily startled
I don’t want to wake up just yet
I want us to dream and never forget
it feels like drowning when you let me fall, until your breath revives me every time anew, and who is he, if not less great than me. Be the judge,
Judge you must
But judge just,
Don’t throw away what’s mine what’s yours what’s ours what’s us, Don’t tear down what’s built,
Don’t kill the trust,
tearing down you must
to create,
what is your choice,
endless rest
or a rest with an end,
come closer, don’t push me away again, I have to run
But I want to stay,
feverish dreams, shaking and wondering, wake up, this is not a dream,
too real it seems,
bring me back to this place which we once knew, that place, which fanned the fire,
which cursed me to be yours forever,
which blessed me which the deepest depths, memories fade, yet they are all that’s left, please lay your head once more on my chest,
let the flame not smother,
and stay my spark,
at the end only you decide what to do with that heart